
Hi! I’m a Korean student at Harbin Wanbang School in China.

  • primarily focusing on computer algorithms, engieneering, machine learning, and computer hardware.

  • My interests include competitive programming, developing software, photography and, playing guitar

1. School

  • Harbin Wanbang School (2021~Now)
    1. in this school, I’m leading Wanbang Computer Science team and Wanbang Developer Conference(WBDC)
    2. I’m also involved in School Swimming Team, School Bandteam.

2. Activity & Experiences

  • 2024 summer: Software Engineering intern, Smooth (2 month)
  • 2023 Winter: USA Computer Olympiad Silver Award (2023 December Contest)
  • 2020 Summer: Student Journalist, The Korea Herald (0)

3. Tech. Stacks

  • Frontend Developing experience: HTML/CSS/JS, Vue.js
  • Backend Developing experience: SupaBase, PocketBase, mySQL, MongoDB
  • Language: C/C++, JAVA, GO, Python, Rust, Solidity
  1. WBOJ (Wanbang Online Judge, 2023 fall) : wboj.app, currently around 80 people using this.

    I made this service for the people who want to practice computer algorithm or competitive program. I used Qingdao University’s opensource project to implement school online judge service.

  1. Photo Gallery (2022 fall): photog.cf

    Simple photo gallery service. People can upload and share their photo.

  1. Bucket (2024 fall): bucket.app

    Roadtrip guide service. Optimized for the people who don’t have idea where to go.

4. Contacts & Profiles