About me
Hi! I’m a Korean student at Harbin Wanbang School in China.
primarily focusing on computer algorithms, engieneering, machine learning, and computer hardware.
My interests include competitive programming, developing software, photography and, playing guitar
1. School
- Harbin Wanbang School (2021~Now)
- in this school, I’m leading Wanbang Computer Science team and Wanbang Developer Conference(WBDC)
- I’m also involved in School Swimming Team, School Bandteam.
2. Activity & Experiences
- 2024 summer: Software Engineering intern, Smooth (2 month)
- 2023 Winter: USA Computer Olympiad Silver Award (2023 December Contest)
2020 Summer: Student Journalist, The Korea Herald (0)
3. Tech. Stacks
- Frontend Developing experience: HTML/CSS/JS, Vue.js
- Backend Developing experience: SupaBase, PocketBase, mySQL, MongoDB
- Language: C/C++, JAVA, GO, Python, Rust, Solidity
- WBOJ (Wanbang Online Judge, 2023 fall) : wboj.app, currently around 80 people using this.
I made this service for the people who want to practice computer algorithm or competitive program. I used Qingdao University’s opensource project to implement school online judge service.
- Photo Gallery (2022 fall): photog.cf
Simple photo gallery service. People can upload and share their photo.
- Bucket (2024 fall): bucket.app
Roadtrip guide service. Optimized for the people who don’t have idea where to go.